Upper does not include a bolt carrier group or charging handle.
Dear Customers,
We recently received a complete evaluation from the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms on the legal
status of the Can Cannon dated: August 26th, Received September 11, 2015. The evaluation of the Can Cannon
as currently produced is in and of itself not a firearm and not controlled, however when placed on a rifle
receiver is considered a (SBR) short barrel rifle, and when placed on a pistol (AOW) Any Other Weapon.
We are submitting a revised design to address the issues in the B.A.T.F.E’s determination letter. We will update
our customers throughout this process.
For questions or inquiries about this matter, please email [email protected]
Attached to this document is the recent evaluation from the BATFE.
Best Regards,
X Products LLC
Date: 9/21/2015